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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Too Funny!

So, it's never a good thing for food that millions of people eat on a regular basis gets recalled for possible Salmonella contamination, but this cartoon is just too funny. It does seem weird though that so many foods are being contaminated...? I think I might just start a veggi garden.. j/k I don't have a yard to grow them in, but I do plan to start going to local pick your own farms, it is one way to save money when you buy in bulk, and it is healthier to eat locally grown food, not to mention most pick your own farms do not use pesticide and have a lot less chance of Salmonella contamination. Most vegetables will freeze well, and tomatoes can be canned or turned into sauces for freezing. I will let you all know how it goes when I finally find one that has the variety of foods I am looking for!


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