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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kroger Ad 7/30 - 8/5

So this week pretty much is a copy of last weeks sale, just a few things different. Basically you can mix and match 10 of the items with a double yellow tag and get an instant $5 off your purchase, and you can do that 3 times per transaction (30 items total and get $15 off your purchase) Last week I shared my plan for the grocery store and anticipated I would spend about 20 cents to cover the cost of the loaf of bread I needed, boy was I wrong! I have been hearing commercials on the radio about the sale and at the end it said some restrictions apply, well no one mentioned that they only will double or triple the first like coupon, and since I was in a hurry, I ended up spending $17 on things that could have waited :( So this week it will be a challenge to find 10 different items that I have coupons for and actually need/use. Wish me luck! Below are the ad scans for the week...


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