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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I finally found the shampoo!

15 bottles = 17¢ ea

So, remember when the $3 off the Pert Plus with Botanicals shampoo coupon was in the paper? Well I went to the store and bought 2 of them, they were $3.19 and after the coupon I only paid .19 for the bottle... I went home, tried it, and I liked it. A couple days later I got to thinking I wish I could get more shampoo at that price but I didn't have any more coupons. So I started researching ways to get more coupons and looked at eBay and coupon clipping services and that was the day I made my first purchase of someone's time to cut them out and send them to me... A couple days later I went to check my mail and there they were, all 15 of them :) Well I happily drove myself to Kroger, where I bought them before and noticed that the price went up to $3.59, and they didn't have 15 of them... so I decided to wait.. and wait... and wait, thinking that 1 out of the many stores I shop at would have them at a price I wanted to pay, but 3 weeks went by and still nothing. So I drove a little out of the way to HEB and the tag on the shelf said $2.88! I was ecstatic thinking that I was going to get these for free, so I went to find a manager to get a rain check since they were all out and she told me that the register wouldn't take my coupon because it was for more than the item, she suggested I wait for them to go back to the regular price or try Fiesta across the street, a store I don't like to shop at for many reasons I don't want to get into on here, so I ended up there and found the shampoo for $3.17, and they had about 40 bottles, so I got 15 of them for less than I originally thought I was going to pay! :)


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