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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Are you prepared?

Hurricane Ike has left some lasting effects on many people in Galveston/Houston and surrounding areas. I was in an area that did not have extreme damage or extended periods without electricity, but since that day my mind keeps thinking about how bad it could have been and how unprepared we really are.
I found a blog called Totally Ready, and it teaches you how to be prepared for ANY situation, whether it be a hurricane, a snow storm, a flash flood or fire. The great thing about this site is that it takes you by the hand and gives you 7 steps to do every week to become more prepared in case of a disaster. It appears that the blogger has a mindset for frugality as well!
Most other websites that have preparedness materials either want you to purchase a prepacked kit (that usually doesn't have everything you need), or pay a subscription fee. This material is free, and encouraged to be shared with family and friends! Totally Ready also shares how to save money on necessary items you should have in your preparedness kit.
I recommend that everyone go over to Totally Ready and take a look around. It does not matter what part of the country you live in, a natural or manmade disaster can happen without warning. You may not want to go as far and complete every step that is suggested, but even just doing some of them will have you more prepared if something happens without warning. Taking a few steps now can make a world of difference later.


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