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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Save A Lot Deals

For the first time ever last week, I went to check out a Save A Lot store. I noticed they had some good prices on a few things, but mostly it was brands I have never heard of or things I wouldn't even use. I noticed the store has pretty good prices and a good selection on the international foods. The store also has a small meat department, but I noticed that the meat didn't look quite right, almost like it had been thawed out and refrozen.

I received a circular for the store closest to me in the mail for the first time yesterday (it's like they knew I went there, and now they want me back). I will continue to post the deals I see, if I get an ad that week.

For this ad, I am only considering items that are sold at all stores (ie: well known brands, produce and meat). With that said, there are only a few items worth mentioning, so if this store is not a regular stop in your grocery shopping, I personally would not drive out of the way to go there.

•Pork Boston Butt Roast .99¢/lb
•Split Chicken Breast .88¢/lb
•Cilantro 3/.99¢
•Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix 3/$1

•Last week I noticed they have the big bag (98ct.) of Fisherboy Fish Sticks for $4.99, I am not sure if that was a sale or the regular price.

Your turn: I have a few questions...

Have you shopped at a Save A Lot? How was your experience there? Was the meat fresh looking? Do you know their coupon policy? Please leave your feedback in the comments below :)


Anonymous said...

I shop at Sav-A-Lot often. They're meat is always fresh and I heard they do take coupons, but I've never taken any myself.

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